Lincoln's Excellent Academic Program in Science (LEAPS) commonly called LEAPS started in September 2004. This program has been around for over a decade and is funded by The National Science Foundation (NSF). The main goal of the program is to significantly increase the pool of minority students receiving degrees in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (STEM). The program also purposes to improve the retention and graduation rates of its STEM students, as well as enhance the preparedness of STEM graduates pursuing professional studies and graduate school. The vision of the program is to transform the STEM teaching culture at Lincoln University and to consolidate and institutionalize best practices resulting from program activities.
Over the years, LEAPS has helped to fund several projects within the College of Science and Technology that include the following:
One of the most effective activities of the LEAPS program is the institutionalization of the Supplemental Instruction program (SI). The SI program is a peer assisted learning enhancement program facilitated by student leaders. SI Leaders are students who have previously taken the courses and have successfully mastered the course concepts and have received training to conduct near-peer mentoring. The SI Leaders help students with note taking, discussions of assignments and the development of skills and strategies for success in the classroom. The SI program targets traditionally difficult gate-keeping STEM courses; those that typically have over 25% of students earning a grade of C or below final course grades and/or withdrawals. It seeks to provide regularly scheduled, out-of-class, peer-facilitated sessions that offer students an opportunity to discuss and process course information.
Dr. John O. Chikwem
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Department of the Biology
Office: Nelson Center for the Sciences, Room 209
Phone: 484-365-8153
Fax: 484-365-7906